8 Tips for Writer's Block

Beto Molinari
by Beto Molinari on April 28, 2014 in Business
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writer's blockSometimes....writing….is…..like….pulling……teeth! The words just won’t flow, the ideas have dried up and it feels like your brain has rolled over and died. Oh, no! It’s the dreaded Writer’s Block!

Whoa, step away from the ledge. Everything will be OK. It isn’t as hopeless as it feels. When sitting and staring at a blank screen has you down, we have some great tips on breaking that block to smithereens.

1) Get Up

If you have been sitting there for an hour it’s time to get the blood circulating. Go get a coffee (most writers are caffeine addicts). Look out the window. Rinse the break room dishes. Go doodle on that big white board in an empty conference room.

Anything to get your head somewhere away from that blank screen.

Next thing you know, an idea has popped into your head and you can’t wait to go back to your desk and start typing.

2) Be Prepared

Instead of winging it every day create a list of ideas and topics to draw from when your creative juices run dry. As you go through your email, set aside interesting looking articles that you can use as resources.

Another preparatory step you can take is to post a list of industry keywords that can become a starting point for a post.

Do this on a regular basis and you will have a fountain of ideas to choose from. The list will take maintenance but you can add to it during a creative spurt.

3) Ask a Question

At a loss for details and examples? Post a question about your topic on Twitter, Facebook, Linked In, or Quora. Social networks and forums are great places to activate the hive mind of humanity and focus it on your idea. In fact, as you build your list of people to follow, create lists or groups according to specialty as it pertains to your business.

4) Write on a Schedule

Sometimes all it takes is for your brain to get used to the idea it must channel ideas and words at a set time every day. Humans are creatures of habit. Writing just becomes another part of your day. Ideas percolate while you take care of other business and then pop right out when it’s time to write them down.

This doesn’t preclude writing down ideas as they come to you but you will find that posts sometimes seem to write themselves because you have been ruminating on a subject in preparation for the post to come.

5) Work on a Deadline

Sometimes nothing works better than knowing you are under the gun. If you are the type of person who procrastinates on projects then whips them out successfully at the last minute, this tip may be perfect for you. If you feel like you must, then often you can.

6) Reward Yourself for Completing the Task

A deadline is a stick. Maybe you would rather have a carrot. Save up indulgences to be used as a reward for getting it done. The promise of a Raspberry Champaign Truffle can do wonders for getting you through the process. Letting your inner 5 year old know that you will go outside on a nice day can inspire you to finish.

Just be sure to choose something that you are motivated to obtain. Anything too pedestrian won’t work.

7) Give It a Rest

Set it aside for a few hours or, better yet, overnight. Fatigue, frustration and distractions can all conspire to destroy the focus you need to put thoughts to paper.

8) Just Do It

Not a general favorite, but you can just sit there and type whatever comes into your head. You may end up with six paragraphs of total crap but at least you will have a framework for a post. Go back and edit it. Just having it on a page can give you a jolt in the right direction.

Any of these could be just the tip to get that post out of your head and into your blog. If you find you are bogged down, try one of these tips. Do you have any great tips you would like to add in the comments? We would love to pass them on.
