20 Signs You Are a Recovering SEO Addict

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on February 7, 2014 in Visibility
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Did you ever hear the joke about the SEO addict? No? It’s probably because no one ever sees him. He’s too busy testing new SEO tools, decoding the latest algorithm changes and silently plotting to win the SERP war. If this sounds like you, read on. You’re not alone. 

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Top 20 Signs You Are a Recovering SEO Addict

  1. You’re ashamed of some of the things you’ve done for a link
  2. You have nightmares about algorithm updates
  3. Every time you have a couple of drinks you wind up buying a dozen awesome exact match domains that you couldn’t believe were still available
  4. Your knees wobble when you see Rand Fishkin in person
  5. You own domain names that have more hyphens than letters
  6. It takes 15 minutes for your browser to load because of all the plugins
  7. You spend more on SEO tools every month than you do on food
  8. Your cousin had twins and you made a duplicate content joke
  9. You actually care what a “class c ip” is
  10. You have the dates of algorithm updates marked in your Outlook calendar
  11. You’ve moved your office to have a better chance of showing up on Google maps
  12. You spent a month and a half tweaking code to shave .0027 seconds off your website’s load time
  13. You spend more every month on renting links than you do on renting office space
  14. You wear a black hat to work
  15. Your favorite Thanksgiving dish is stuffing
  16. Your favorite video game character is Link from The Legend of Zelda
  17. You have the urge to always add relevant anchor text to EVERY link - even in email
  18. You cringe at the sight of a cuddly panda bear or a cute penguin
  19. You can look at an article for 10 seconds and know its keyword density 
  20. You have completely changed your marketing strategy because of one Tweet, blog post or video from Matt Cutts

What would you add to the list?

*GIF courtesy of wifflegif.com

Team Bonafide

Team Bonafide

Not your father's digital agency. Wicked-smart, straight-shooting, modern-day marketers who are hell-bent on growing businesses and relationships.