How to Find Guest Blog Opportunities - 5 Quick Tips

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on January 26, 2012 in Strategy
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Guest blogging is a proven way to build relationships and the links that go with them.  And, it’s become even more important since the fall of many article directories after Google’s Panda update.  Why?  Now that quality content is king, many directories have fallen from grace with the search engines.  Posting to mass distribution article sites is no longer providing many bloggers with the link juice they’re looking for. 

A good series of guest blog posts, posted on credible sites, not only gives you exposure to a wide audience, they also bring you backlinks that you might not have been able to get on your own.  By “piggybacking” on the strength of related authority sites, your content gains SEO power and attracts more and targeted followers. 

Interested?  Here are 5 tips for finding quality guest blog opportunities:

1. Create a list of similar blogs.  Start with blogs in your industry and/or related to your field.  You can do a web search to find them.  For example, type in “keyword + guest blog”.  Or, take advantage of compiler sites such as SimilarSites or Finder that can help you build a list for future reference.

2. Check blog comments.  This is why commenting on blogs is such a great idea.  Anyone who comments on a blog in your niche likely has a blog of their own, related to the topic. Check the comments on the similar blogs you find, then click on their links to find their sites.  Contact these bloggers to inquire if they would be interested in guest contributions.

3. Use social media.  Your Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus accounts are good resources for finding guest blog opportunities.  If you’re marketing your business on these social sites, you know that your friends, followers and Circles are interested in your business or industry.  And, you already have relationships with them!  Leverage those relationships to get your posts onto their sites. 

4. Get the word out.  Sometimes, the best way to get what you want is to simply ask.  Hop onto industry forums and message boards and offer your guest blog services.  Tell people about your site, provide links to your pages and build credibility with other posters.  Like all content marketing efforts, it might take a little time.  But, in the end you’ll have a short list of go-to sites that are likely to ask for regular contributions.

5. Check the blogrolls.  Look at the blogrolls for industry leaders (and, yes, even your competitors!) to see which sites they are linked to.   This can usually be found under a section called “related links” or “resources”, etc.  These lists tell you which sites the authorities feel are valuable, and therefore, so should you.

Guest blogging has the power to drive traffic to your site and establish you as an authority in your industry.  These days, everyone wants exceptional content for their sites, and a great guest blog delivers—with little to no effort for the host site.  For the guest blogger, it brings better exposure and more quality backlinks.   Sounds like a win-win, doesn’t it?

Team Bonafide

Team Bonafide

Not your father's digital agency. Wicked-smart, straight-shooting, modern-day marketers who are hell-bent on growing businesses and relationships.