On-Page SEO vs. Off-Page SEO: Which is More Important?

Louise Armstrong
by Louise Armstrong on April 24, 2012 in Visibility
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SEO is a fundamental aspect of online marketingSearch engine optimization gets you found by both humans and search engines.  But, many Internet marketers who understand this also make the mistake of overlooking the fact that SEO has 2 aspects—on-page and off-page.

Both are essential, but let’s take a look at them to determine which, if either, is more important.

On-Page SEO
Also known as on-site optimization, on-page SEO involves optimizing your site with the purpose of ranking higher in the search engines.  Some elements of on-page SEO are:

  • Keywords on web pages and in your URL
  • Image alt tags
  • Internal linking
  • Heading tags
  • External linking

You probably recognize these elements and are already using them.   A sixth critical on-page element?  Valuable content.  Not just search engine optimized, but useful and informative to readers.  These are the main components of search engine visibility that you should incorporate directly into your website design.

Off-Page SEO 
Off-page SEO involves building links between your site and others.  In other words—promoting your site online.  Link-building is an essential promotional tool, and one of the most important factors in search engine rankings.  So, you’ll want to concentrate a good portion of your resources on this.

Getting backlinks from authority sites allows you to “piggyback” on their SEO strength.  Some elements of off-site SEO are:

  • Social media

  • Bookmarking

  • Article marketing

  • Guest blogging

  • Blog commentary

When you engage in these off-site techniques you are encouraging other high-traffic authority sites in your niche to take notice and reciprocate, which ultimately tells search engines that you are linked to and respected by authority sites.  Therefore, your site deserves higher ranking than those which are not connected.

It’s the principle behind Web 2.0, and the secret to marketing on the “social web”.  Just like in real life, popularity bring advantages, so off-site SEO techniques shouldn’t be overlooked.

So, which is more important, on-page or off-page SEO? 

One could argue that they are equally important.  After all, one can’t work without the other.  A better question to ask might be, have you taken care of both, and in the right order?  Paying attention to the on-page SEO for your site first ensures that when you do go to promote it throughout the web, and people come to it, your site is a value-added, fully-optimized resource that answers questions, solves problems and compels consumer action.

Off-page SEO points people to your site.  On-page optimization ensures that once there, they stay there.  It also ensures that search engines continue to index you properly for your keywords.

Your ranking with the search engines depends upon your efforts with both on-page and off-page SEO.  Neglect either and you are limiting your potential.  Choose good keywords, optimize your pages, create awesome content, and promote it using all available avenues.  It’s a proven recipe for online marketing success!

Louise Armstrong

Louise Armstrong

Louise is a Senior Digital Strategist at Bonafide. A pop-culture addict with a passion for all things digital. She's Scottish by birth, but don't ask if she likes haggis...