When it comes to local SEO sometimes links don't have to be "links."
It has long been known that HTML links to your website from outside sources can improve your search engine rankings. However, with local SEO the game is somewhat different. The "local business results" for Google or other search engines attempt to rank the business entities themselves rather than just ranking the websites. As a "place," your business can be referred to online in many ways without necessarily directing people to your website; directing them to your address or phone number is just as important.
When your business name and contact information are referred to online that mention is known as a "citation." And citations can be quite important for your local search engine ranking, regardless of whether they contain a hyperlink or are just simple text.
Why Citations Influence Rankings
Besides giving search engines an additional way to differentiate between and score the importance of different local businesses citations provide Google's computers with a handy crutch when determining whether a business actually exists as a going concern. Anyone can put up a website claiming to be the local expert on something. Computers don't have the ability to drive by the location to see what is actually there or call the phone number to make sure the company is still in business. However, if a local news outlet, chamber of commerce or yellow pages directory refers to the business entity and gives its local contact info that helps the search engine know that there really is something there.
Citations can also help search engines understand who you are, where you are and how popular or successful you are. If your business is listed in a neighborhood directory or is referred to by a site that specializes in a specific industry the computers will have a better idea of what search terms should apply to your company. Comments and ratings associated with a citation provide real-world insights into your online presence and prove that you are a company that attracts local attention.
Citation Strategies
How can you use citations to improve your local SEO? Some initial tips:
• Get listed. All else being equal, having more relevant citations seems to improve your local search rankings.
• Check your competitors' citations. A competitor's high local search optimization results may be based, at least in part, on where they are listed. You want your name to also be found in any authoritative or heavily-weighted directories.
• Make sure that exactly the same name and address are listed in each citation.Since there may be no specific HTML link identifying your business using the exact same contact information and spelling helps search engines connect the citation to your place page.
By including citations as part of your local SEO efforts you can get listed where you want to be: at the top of a potential customer's local search results.