The Bonafide Blog

Serving up the latest and greatest in inbound marketing and sales to help you grow your business.

Posts by

Louise Armstrong

Louise is a Senior Digital Strategist at Bonafide. A pop-culture addict with a passion for all things digital. She's Scottish by birth, but don't ask if she likes haggis...
Louise Armstrong
by Louise Armstrong on March 20, 2012 in Analytics

What defines Internet marketing success? Is it traffic?  Lead generation? Your number of fans, Circles and followers? You may be happy with how your site is...

Louise Armstrong
by Louise Armstrong on March 6, 2012 in Website

You may already know that having a unique, descriptive URL for each page within your site is a good SEO strategy. But, did you know that it’s just as important...

Louise Armstrong
by Louise Armstrong on February 28, 2012 in Website

Link building is one of the most important factors for SEO. And, like other factors, the way you do it can make a big difference in your search engine results....

Louise Armstrong
by Louise Armstrong on February 25, 2012 in Visibility

Keyword research is fundamental to your SEO efforts—so much so that without it, your online business can’t and won’t be found by the right people. Taking the...