The Bonafide Blog

Serving up the latest and greatest in inbound marketing and sales to help you grow your business.

What is Lead Nurturing & Why it Matters to Your Business

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on December 20, 2011 in Leads

Lead nurturing may mean different things to different people. But, in general, it can be defined as the process of developing the relationships that turn...

B2B Social Media Marketing: 7 Mistakes to Avoid

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on December 15, 2011 in Visibility

According to Forrester Research, over 90% of company decision makers are involved in social media. Whether it’s blogging, creating videos, tweeting or...

B2B Lead Generation Tips: 5 Steps to Getting Started

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on December 13, 2011 in Leads

Lead generation is all about connecting buyers with sellers. But, not all leads convert into sales. The goal of any lead generation campaign is to bring more...

Email List Segmentation - What it Means and Why It's Important

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on December 9, 2011 in Strategy

If email marketing is part of your business’ overall internet marketing strategy, you already know that it can increase leads and convert readers into paying...

6 Major Email Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on December 6, 2011 in Strategy

Email may have turned 40 this year, but it’s still hot.  In spite of the rise of texting, Facebook and instant messaging, email remains one of the most popular...

How to Setup a Facebook Business Page

Team Bonafide
by Team Bonafide on December 1, 2011 in Visibility

If you’re a business owner who thinks that Facebook is just for keeping up with friends and family, think again.  According to the Small Business Social Media...